Friday, April 11, 2008

Strange silence and some good music

Well, I hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd written anything here. Oops!!! Life has been rolling along as usual in Aix~the weather is improving, the kitten is growing, the girls are looking forward to a wedding they get to go to in early May, and already they are counting down the days until summer! In France, they are in school until the very end of June, so they still have a ways to go. We had a wonderful visit in February with our friends M & S from Austin, and we are looking forward to our furlough trip in August. I'll try to put up a few pictures soon, but until then, I'll leave you with two music suggestions.

Dave Barnes

He is fabulous. go to i-tunes now and get his stuff. I rarely (like almost NEVER) find an artist that I just love love love, but I love Dave Barnes.

And an equally enthusiastic endorsement for Kendall Payne. I heard her for the first time at our Staff Conference (which I still refuse to refer to by it's new name-CONNECT, because I don't like that name. at all.) Anyway, she, too, is amazing.
So there. My official recommendations. Hope you love them as much as I do. If I was a fancy blogger, there would be nice little linky things to take you to their websites, but I don't know how to do that stuff, so sadly, you are on your own.

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