Sunday, October 07, 2007

A Night in Venice

We went to a marvelous birthday celebration last night. The theme was "A Night in Venice", and everyone wore masks and fun costumes and dined on amazing food! We don't go out alone very often, so it was really a treat to get dressed up for this. We met lots of people from all over Europe, and just had a wonderful time connecting with the international community. The highlight of the evening was being able to sit with the couple who hosted the party and the darling French couple who catered the party and talk for several hours after everyone had gone home. A lot of the conversation was in French, and I actually understood and participated! We've come a long way in the last year!


French for a While said...

I noticed a comment you left on Thanks for checking us out. We are indeed new to France -- have been here six weeks. I noticed you are involved with Church planting. We have met a couple here in Le Rouret who are also working on planting a church. Wonder if you know about them.

Good luck.

French for a While said...

Yep. It's Justice and Samantha! Wow. The world is small -- even when you're 3000 miles from home.